Historic Preservation Commission

The Town of Brandon Historic Preservation Commission is a volunteer board appointed by the Select Board.

The present Commission members are:

Dennis Reisenweaver, Chair


Frank Bump

John Peterson


The Town of Brandon Historic Preservation Commission (BHPC) has recently had a Historic Preservation Scoping Study performed.  The study provides an overview of existing historic documentation for the town of Brandon, including the Forest Dale area. The results of the study identify areas of significant interest and recommendations for future work by the BHPC. The funding was provided from the State of Vermont by the US Department of Interior, National Park Services for the Certified Local Government Program. Brandon has a historical importance with the early days of Vermont through its industrial, educational and residents’ activities.

A digital copy of the report can be found here.

A physical copy of the report is available at the Brandon Town Office and the Brandon Free Public Library.

Please contact chair of the HPC, Dennis Reisenweaver, with any questions.  Email: Dennwr3@aol.com